Sometimes i wonder whether Shannon-Hartley and others behind communication theory had it super easy for them! Most of life's patterns lent themselves to what we call communication theory.
One such theory is - information in burst mode. The hour past has been one of those - in burst mode! Surprising how days on end pass without any activity worth the note and then - this.
Thats about as big a prelude as i could compose. The first was an email - a rather sad one. A kid, whom i saw first as a shy, coy, slightly panzy and the butt of every joke....involved in a rather sad episode. That of the bottle and the steering wheel. While 2 roomies did not see the light of the day, this poor kid is charged on 2 counts of manslaughter and if that werent enough...drunken driving. Ya, u drunken driving opponents, am with you, but for the moment, since i knew this kid, my heart goes out to him. I just wish sanity had prevailed before.
Within moments of that, I find Puja's headed to Iraq. Wow!! Its an opportunity..its also a risk. Also, a heavy toll on the personal front. I just pray for her.
Dilli..Ye Mastano Ki Dilli!!..Dilli-6
15 years ago